This website consolidates information on eating Alaska grown, produced, hunted, fished, and foraged foods.
MARCH 19, 2020: I've let this site go dormant for a few years, so some of the links are broken (I'll work on fixing those). Other than that, it offers lots of great information about how to eat local foods. With the COVID-19 pandemic threatening us all, it's time for me to start updating things here and connecting Alaskans to resources for the coming weeks and months, especially if our food supply chain from the Lower 48 gets disrupted. We are hardy, creative Alaskans--let's help each other through this uncharted territory by sharing knowledge, tools, supplies, labor, and friendship so we can all stay healthy and nourished.
LOCAL FOOD PRODUCERS: If you don't see your local-food related business or organization listed on this site, please use the contact form to send me a link to your website so I can add it. Thank you, and be well, Susan People give many reasons for wanting to eat local foods, including improving their health, keeping money in the local economy, building a network of locavores, and decreasing their environmental footprint. In Alaska, tradition is also frequently mentioned; many of us grew up hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild edibles. People are also interested in food security. Alaska currently imports about 95% of all foods; should a major disruption to transportation occur, food would disappear from shelves within days. Welcome to your one-stop "store" for information and inspiration on eating Alaska foods! |
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Alaska Food Challenge